
Competence Matching Tool - Explanations and Implementation


Herder, E., Kärger, P. (2009) Competence Matching Tool - Explanations and Implementation. The document contains the technical specification of the competence matching tool. The tool can be found at and the location computation module is to be found here: Available under the three cause BSD licence, copyright TENCompetence Foundation.The Competence Matching Tool provides a user interface to search for job advertisements, making use of various criteria. This functionality is similar to common job boards, such as Monster and Hotjobs. In contrast to these job boards, the Competence Matching Tool compares the user’s competence profile with the competence profile that is required for the job. Thus – in a few words – the Competence Matching Tool adds the competence dimension to nowadays job search tools and allows the learner to see her abilities in context. It gives the learner the possibility to judge her position and potentially required competences for the labor market. In the CMT relevant job advertisements are ranked and visualized on a two-dimensional grid: the vertical axis represents how close the match of an advertisement is with the user’s competence profile and the horizontal axis represents the match with the user’s preferences (for example in terms of job location or industry). This document provides and overview of current standards in Job search and competence matching and describes the implementation of the TENCompetence Competence Matching Tool.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [

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