
The role of travel time budgets – Representation of a demand derived from activity participation


The paper exams the relationships between travel and activity times, in 7 travel surveys from 4 French and 3 Swiss cities, observed at two different periods. First, we test proportional assignment of total daily available time to activities (including transport). Second, proportionality is tested between (1) daily travel time of a given purpose with respect of the daily activity duration and (2) the trip time associated to the duration of the activity at destination. Only daily leisure time and daily travel time are fixed proportion of total daily available time. At disaggregated level, the trip duration do not show proportionality with activity duration. Finally questioning the proportionality and the linear adjustment, we regress the travel time budgets using duration models. This methodology is particularly adapted to the duration analysis and leads to non-linear relation between travel time and activity times. Leisure and shopping activities exhibit increasing and convex travel time intensities.activity-based analysis - time use - travel time

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