
ANOVA în cercetrările de marketing


In order to make an analysis of the variation regarding ANOVA, we considered the commercial society S.C. RUCOM S.A. from Craiova, Dolj, 107 Caracal Street, dealer in the sale of cars mark Opel, even from 2002. Starting with 2004, S.C. RUCOM S.A. becomes dealer for cars mark Chevrolet too, cars that first appear on the market in Oltenia that year, being, as a matter of fact, not that known on the Romanian market, in general. The Chevrolet cars, being them from the variety Kalos, Lacetti or Evanda, but especially the ones from the variety Kalos, present a few attractive characteristics for the potential clients. Thus, in the first place, the Chevrolet Kalos cars are more convenient, more advantageous, from more points of view, than many of the cars that presently exist on the market. Secondly, being produced by a firm famous for the quality of its products, respectively General Motors, the quality of the Chevrolet cars is at least as high as the one of other foreign cars that are presently sold on the market. Thirdly, the sale price of these cars is lower or, at most, equal to the one of similar cars.ANOVA, Market cars research, Snedecor test

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