
ICT in public administration and SMB companies: four years of new challenges


Four years of EU membership has brought new opportunities and challenges for local companies and public administration in member countries. New small and medium companies (SMB) emerged in the neighboring regions cross over the former frontiers, there are new clusters using inter-regional cooperation. Based on the extensive cooperation with “old” EU countries new best business practices are being introduced in the existing processes. The public administration has to follow not only the new legislation but also the new business needs. All mentioned changes create new impulses for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Basic statistic data presented in this paper imply considerable reserves in document workflows on municipal administration level. SMB companies lag behind the EU average in electronic business level. One of the reasons could be relatively low support of Content Management Systems and logistic chains (SCM) by existing ICT. In order to meet the demands described some changes and tuning in the infrastructure, security and standardization is necessary. Necessary changes are regularly put into operation what leads to new opportunities for ICT students leaving the universities. The ratios of ICT students and graduates compared with the total numbers stagnated in the last years. Hence, changes in the ICT education and its permanent actualization are needed in all branches of ICT.information technology; content management; public administration; small and medium sized companies; electronic commerce; e-Government; document management; ICT education

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