
Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for efficient delivery of palm phytonutrients


Palm phy­tonu­tri­ents found in crude palm oil con­sist of carotenes and tocols as well as other minor com­po­nents includ­ing sterols, squa­lene, ubiquinones, coen­zyme Q10 and phos­pho­lipids. Palm phy­tonu­tri­ents con­tains all the nat­u­rally occur­ring phy­tonu­tri­ents present in crude palm oil, whereas com­mer­cially avail­able indi­vid­ual phy­tonu­tri­ents, such as Gold-tri E and Tocomin 50% mainly con­sist of palm tocotrienols. The encap­su­la­tion of palm phy­tonu­tri­ents by nanos­truc­tured lipid car­ri­ers (NLC) was inves­ti­gated using Trans­mis­sion Elec­tron Microscopy. NLC was proven to effec­tively encap­su­late palm phy­tonu­tri­ents in oil droplets. Based on the par­ti­cle size analy­sis and rhe­o­log­i­cal study, NLC was found to be the most phys­i­cally sta­ble deliv­ery sys­tem when com­pared to the macro-emulsion and the nano-emulsion car­ri­ers. The long-term chem­i­cal sta­bil­ity of the palm phy­tonu­tri­ent using β-carotene as the pro­to­type active in NLC was also deter­mined. The degra­da­tion of β-carotene in NLC was lower when com­pared to the macro-emulsion and the nano-emulsion car­ri­ers. The effi­cacy of NLC as a deliv­ery sys­tem and the effect of the addi­tion of lecithin and propy­lene gly­col to the NLC for­mu­la­tion were also stud­ied. The para­me­ters inves­ti­gated were skin hydra­tion and trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). NLC with the pres­ence of 1% lecithin and 2% propy­lene gly­col were found to enhance skin hydra­tion and pre­vent water loss

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