
Keynesianism, PostKeynesianism and Newkeynesianism: ¿Three different doctrines just one real theory?


During the seventies, Keynesianism faced the most critical decade. It was characterized by some deep critics to the "General Theory", due to the ausence of strong microfoundations and a overdimensionated importance of demand shocks over the role of supply shock in economic theory. Eighties unleash the beginning of a new authors stream; it has as a main purpose to develop an answer to all those critics made during the past decade. In such way, a new stream named the newkeynesianism had appeared. On the other side, the Postkeynesianism seemed to be far from the critics. It was supossed to be the next step in Keynesianism theory, since its major effort was to provide a framework for the analysis of long run economics, just like a growth theory.Keynesianismo; Poskeynesianismo; Nuevokeynesianismo

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