
A Global Vision over Benchmarking Process: Benchmarking Based Enterprises


Benchmarking uses the knowledge and the experience of others to improve the enterprise. Starting from the analysis of the performance and underlying the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise it should be assessed what must be done in order to improve its activity. Using benchmarking techniques, an enterprise looks at how processes in the value chain are performed. The approach based on the vision “from the whole towards the parts” (a fragmented image of the enterprise’s value chain) reduces the focus of the benchmarking process of the enterprise. This is the reason why we introduce a new concept: “benchmarking based enterprises” (BBE). Accordingly to this, the enterprises, particularly corporations, gather common features, accept their industry leaders, adapt to their specific features and accept a new vision of benchmarking shifted “from part to the whole”.benchmarking based enterprises, value chain, corporation, SME

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