
Smart, Green and Inclusive Urban Growth: Visualising Recent Developments in European Cities


Cities are expected to play a key role in delivering the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, green and inclusive growth. Concerning smart growth, cities are at the forefront of innovation. Moreover, the physical concentration of people, capital and business opportunities means that cities are more productive than other places. In relation to green growth, healthy, compact and energy-efficient cities are key to achieving sustainability in Europe. Many European cities are currently developing or expanding their networks for walking, cycling, public transport, waste management, district heating and green infrastructures. Finally, cities can contribute to inclusive growth. For example, by combating social polarisation and poverty, by providing affordable housing and by integrating refugees and migrants. In the context of the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Dutch EU presidency in the first half of 2016, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has recently published ‘Cities in Europe’ (PBL, 2016), a publication that visualises facts and figures concerning recent urban developments in relationship to smart, green and inclusive growth in the European Union. Based on the harmonised definition of urban areas by Eurostat and the OECD (OECD, 2012), European cities are compared with each other and recent trends are described, such as those in migration, risk of urban poverty and urban-rural divergence in employment growth. Furthermore, the following questions are being explored: which cities have shown strong growth in population, GDP and employment? Are the growth rates related to the size of the agglomerations? In which cities is the population showing high levels of satisfaction about quality of life? And which cities are falling behind? What types of territorial patterns can be distinguished? This paper summarises the main findings of the publication and presents a number of infographics that give insight into the scale, dimension and relationships of urban developments in Europe

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