
Smart Cities and ICT – Insights from the Morgenstadt project


According to the United Nations, 60% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2030 (United Nations 2012). While many cities around the world are growing and expanding, at the same time, a big number of cities in the northern hemisphere is facing reverse trends, e.g. caused by the demographic change. As a result of these trends and the comprehensive globalization, cities are competing within a global market for companies and well educated inhabitants. As an additional challenge, the climate change revealed his powerful forces during the last decades as seen in hurricanes Katrina and Sandy in 2005 respectively 2012 or typhoon Haiyan in 2013. In this context, cities are facing an extremely difficult assignment: an innovative sustainable development of the city, including ecologic, economic and social dimensions. This task includes two central requirements, making the city livable on the one hand and resilient against external factors as natural disasters or other crises on the other. This paper outlines innovative approaches of cities all over the world, in order to achieve the goal of a sustainable city of tomorrow, concentrating on the contribution of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT). The paper is based on an interdisciplinary long-term research project called “Morgenstadt: City Insights” (m:ci), which analyzed innovative and sustainable solutions and projects of the city sectors mobility, water infrastructure, production and logistics, governance, buildings, energy, security and ICT in six leading cities around the world in order to identify common characteristics and structures of success stories. Therefore, the paper first presents the research methodology of the m:ci project, followed by an overview of the examined sectors, projects and cities. Subsequently the key findings regarding the ICT sector will be presented and the role of ICT for an innovative and sustainable city development will be outlined. In this context it will be elaborated for instance how ICT enables innovative solutions of other sectors and to which extent the collection and procession of urban data contributes to a sustainable development. Finally, the paper discusses the transferability of the identified approaches and tries to illustrate possible strategies to implement such innovative and sustainable solutions

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