The paper aims at giving a description of the actual territorial diffusion in the Marches of fea- tured integration between the structures of the agricultural activities and the structures of the other industries, interpreting\u2013\u2013if possible\u2013\u2013the different capabilities of farming to interact and integrate with industries, giving sense to the local industrial agglomeration and development. For this purpose, we have considered the \u2018geography\u2019 of the regional territory in 31 LLSs (Local Labor Systems of ISTAT) gathering socio-economic statistical data and elaborating them in order to model the territorial patterns of integration between farming and not agricultural industries. Results show the capability of farming to interact in the local labor markets, integrating indus- trial culture and labor calendars. Results are discussed in order to give some suggestions to eventually better govern the rural and agricultural policies, in a territorial viewpoint