Industrial work at the anthropological crossroads


Abstract: This paper, written by following a methodological approach of a critical-historiographical kind, faces, on a pedagogical basis, the post-TaylorFordist evolution of the organizational, productive and training modalities of the waged industrial work, paying close attention to those dynamics (not only the ones within the companies) that could outline, both in a positive or negative way, the representation of the person who works and the conditions of his/her educability. The argumentations below firstly give prominence to the educational potentialities connected with the new configuration of the working activity, then highlight their main criticalities and, in closing, leave room for an educational proposal which tends to promote a person-centred culture of the economic action and the work. ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI: la rivista \ue8 indicizzata nelle seguenti banche dati internazionali: EBSCO, DOAJ, VLEX, CEEOL, ed \ue8 valutata dal CNCSIS (organo consultivo del Ministero romeno dell\u2019Educazione, della Ricerca scientifica, della Giovent\uf9 e dello Sport) nella categoria B+ delle riviste scientifiche. A questo proposito, le riviste scientifiche romene sono distinte (in ordine decrescente) in: fascia A (riviste con ISI); fascia B+ (riviste indicizzate in banche date internazionali); fascia B (riviste con \u201cpunteggi di riconoscimento\u201d); fascia C (riviste senza \u201cpunteggi di riconoscimento\u201d); fascia D (riviste sottoposte all\u2019\u201cattenzione\u201d del CNCSIS)

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