Il computo del tempo nella Scandinavia medievale. Riflessioni sulla memoria lineare e ciclica dalle genealogie ai calendari runici


This paper focuses on medieval time-reckoning as it was conceived and experienced by the Scandinavians, both in historical perspective and in everyday life. The relevant sources have been selected from the rich Old Icelandic historical and literary corpus, but also from the vast range of runic epigraphic documents produced in Scandinavia \u2013 mostly in Sweden \u2013 from the Viking Age until late and post-medieval times. The Author\u2019s purpose is to show how time-keeping gradually changed in the North under the influence of the Western Christian tradition, taking into account both \u2018linear\u2019 systems and \u2018cyclic\u2019 regular patterns of time, from the oldest Icelandic computus to the portable runic calendars and almanacs dating to the end of the Middle Ages and after, from the popular practices deriving from pre- Christian tradition to the new time-reckoning techniques widespread in the Christian West

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