
Cronaca di etimologia sanscrita. Parte II


Con la presente Cronaca (qui la sua II parte) si intendono presentare informazioni bibliografiche recenti su una serie di problemi etimologici relativi al lessico sanscrito, particolarmente vedico, corredando, all'occasione, le informazioni di una riinnovata discussione dei problemi stessi. Lo scopo principale \ue8 quello di fornire un supplemento all'Etymologisches W\uf6rterbuch des Altindoarischen di M. Mayrhofer (gli ultimi Nachtr\ue4ge und Verbesserungen sono del 1999-2000), e con ci\uf2 quindi uno strumento di lavoro simile, se pur pi\uf9 modesto nei suoi propositi, alle Chroniques d'\ue9tymologie grecque/latine pubblicate nella "Revue de Philologie, de Litt\ue9rature et d'Histoire Anciennes", che sono state finora basate sui dizionari etimologici di Chantraine e, risp., Ernout-Meillet. In stretta connessione con l'etimologia sono presi in considerazione anche problemi connessi con l'interpretazione dei testi vedici e con la ricostruzione di realia culturali. Il presente numero include lemmi da \ue1pa a \ue1yas- e un supplemento al numero precedente. Vi hanno altres\uec collaborato R. Ronzitti, M. Salvatori. di D. Maggi sono la premessa dal tit. In memoria [di M. Mayrhofer] e le voci ak\u16bp\u101r\u101-, \ue1tri-, \ue1dhvan-, \ue1napta-, \ue1nas-, anum\u101na-, anuvy\u101khy\u101na-, an\u16bp\ue1-, \ue1pa, apac\uedt-, ap\ue1d-, apapitv\ue1-, \ue1pas-, apasalav\ued, ap\u101n\ue1-, ap\u101m\u101rg\ue1-, ap\u101lamb\ue1-, ap\u101l\u101\u301-, \ue1pi, apikak\u1e63\ue1-, ap\u12bcy\ue0-, ap\u16brv\ue1-, apt\ufar-, \ue1pnav\u101na-, \ue1pnas-, ab\u12b\u1e63\u1e6dak\u101-, \ue1bda-, abhak\u1e63ya-, \ue1bhaya-, abh\u101va-, abh\ued, abhic\u101r\ue1-, abhidharma-, abhipitv\ue1-, abhipram\ufar-, abhivla\u1e45g\ue1-, abhi\u301\u15basti-, abhi\u1e63ek\ue1-, abh\u12bl\u12b-, abhr\ue1-, \ue1mati-, \ue1matra-, amant\ufa-, AMI, am\ufa-, amr\u325\u301ta-, amn\ue1s, ambaka-, \ue1mbara-, amla-, AY1, ay- (~ i-), \ue1ya-, \ue1yas-. Abstract: With this Report (here the n\ub0 2) we present recent bibliographical information and, occasionally, renewed discussion about a series of etymological problems of Sanskrit, particularly Vedic, lexicon. Our principal aim is to supplement the Etymologisches W\uf6rterbuch des Altindoarischen by M. Mayrhofer (last Nachtr\ue4ge und Verbesserungen 1999-2000). So with our Report we would like to provide a tool similar, even though more modest in its proposals, to the Chroniques d\u2019\ue9tymologie grecque and latine published in the \u201cRevue de Philologie, de Litt\ue9rature et d\u2019Histoire Anciennes\u201d \u2013 whose points of reference were at the starting, in their turn, the etymological dictionaries respectively by Chantraine et Ernout-Meillet. In close connexion with etymology we will also consider problems related to the interpretation of Vedic texts and the reconstruction of cultural realia. The present number includes lexems from \ue1pa to \ue1yas-, along with a supplement to n\ub0 1. R. Ronzitti is the author of the entries \ue1cch\u101, \ue1dri-, apadh\u101 \u301, ap\u16bp\ue1-, \ue1pr\u101yu-, apsar\ue1s-, apsuj\uedt-, \ue1bhva-, \ue1mbhas-2, ambhr\u325\u1e47\ue1-2 (entirely); apasalav\ued, ap\u101l\u101 \u301-, apikak\u1e63 \ue1-, apt\ufar-, \ue1pnas-, abhipitv\ue1-, abhr\ue1-, \ue1matra-, amn\ue1s (partially, with D. Maggi); ambar\u12b\ub4\u1e63 a-, AY2 (partially, with M. Salvatori); M. Salvatori of the entry \ue1patya- (entirely); ambar\u12b\ub4\u1e63 a-, AY2 (partially, with R. Ronzitti); D. Maggi of the entries as mentioned before and of the remaining ones

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