
North Kharga Oasis Survey 2004. Preliminary Report: Ain Tarakwa and Ain el-Dabashiya


The goals of the North Kharga Oasis Survey (NKOS) have been to identify, record and survey the major archaeological sites of the northern part of Kharga Oasis. The work of the final season in the first cycle of exploration of the area focussed on the sites of Ain el-Tarakwa and Ain el-Dabashiya, and the Darb Ain Amur, the desert route between Ain Umm el-Dabadib and Ain Amur. In the former areas the survey recorded two temples, several tombs, an animal cemetery, and a variety of buildings, including a church. The Darb Ain Amur survey yielded many rock-art sites, as well as several locations that marked the route between the two springs

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