
An Off-design Thermoeconomic Input-Output Analysis of a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant


In the current and forecasted energy scenario, Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) power plants are requested increasingly flexible operation. The continuous changes in the capacity factor of the power plants and the increasing number and steepness of ramp-ups could largely affect the thermodynamic and economic performance of the plants and undermine their competitiveness. In order for industrial operators to adopt competitive strategies to increase the flexibility of the power plants, the effect that off-design operation has on the cost structure of plant products needs to be addressed. Thermoeconomics provides tools and models to meet such objective. The study presents an application of Thermoeconomic Input-Output Analysis (TIOA) to a NGCC power plant subject to flexible operation in Italy. The on- and off-design performance of the plant is assessed, considering two load control mechanisms for off-design operation: Inlet Guide Vanes (IGVs) with constant Turbine Outlet Temperature (TOT) or constant Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT). The Input-Output model is derived from a detailed off-design Thermodynamic model designed in Thermoflow Thermoflex™, and it is stand-alone: it computes the cost structure of the plant products and the Thermoeconomic performance indicators as continuous functions of the gas turbine load, independently from the Thermodynamic model. In the first place, the on- and off-design models of the plant are set up. Secondly, the detailed economic cost analysis is performed. Eventually, the stand-alone Input -Output model is derived: the Technical Coefficients and the Input Coefficients are computed from the fuels and products in the Thermodynamic model at different loads; by regression of the obtained values, continuous functions of the load are derived for each coefficient; finally, the stand-alone model is designed, including these functions in the Leontief Inverse matrix. The results provide an evaluation of the off-design performance of the power plant for the two control strategies, and a tool for the choice of the most efficient one. After specialised analysts set up and run the off-design Thermodynamic model, the power plant operators may perform production scenarios and predictions through the stand-alone Input-Output model independently. This may help abate barriers for industrial practitioners, given by the complexity, computational effort and difficult interpretation of off-design thermodynamic and cost models

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