Build our Nation international project: An innovative Educational model for System Thinking in Design.


Ethical decision-making models comprehend elements of systems thinking such as holistic language and value-guided systems. This abstract proposes an innovative educational model for systems thinking in architectural design. Build our Nation is an ongoing international experience of innovative education in Design Studio. A panel of international academic members currently working in different institutions has established a program of co-operation: workshops, exchanges and live events are led by students working together internationally on projects devised in connection to a real-world situation. The model of Build our Nation aims to promote cross-cultural problem solving through value-guided architecture. The highly sensitive social context of the proposed projects challenges the field of Design Studio teaching. Two main trajectories are under investigation, both strongly linked to the extra-curricular nature of the framework: on the one hand the educational context, with the aim to rethinking design; on the other hand the environmental-oriented context, with the aim to rethinking construction

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