aDBS: adaptive neuromodulation for Parkinson's disease


aDBS represents the necessary advance in DBS therapy for Parkinson’s disease. The idea is innovative because it changes completely the philosophy of neurostimulation, starting to use neurological signals for optimizing therapies. The adaptive approach is completely new in the field of neuromodulation where neurological signal were only used to understand brain functions. Conversely, the use of neuronal signals in aDBS goes beyond the pure research providing the link between neuronal functions and patient’s clinical condition. Another innovative point resides in the use of the neuronal signals directly recorded through the electrodes implanted for DBS. This implies that no adjunctive hardware is required to apply aDBS instead of normal DBS. Finally, the algorithms that control the adaptation of DBS parameters in aDBS are designed patient by patient in a view of personalized healthcare. Each patient experience different symptoms and different timing of the symptoms. aDBS is not standardized, but it is designed on the patient

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