Numerical Study of Parallel Jet Interaction


A numerical study of bounded adjacent jets to analyze the related mixing phenomenon is here proposed. Bounded jets are indeed present in several engineering applications, such as turbine blades, burners, electronic cooling systems, energy plant components and their interaction strongly influences the performance of these components. An analysis of Parallel Confined Jet (PCJ) mixing behaviour via Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is performed by using the commercial code ANSYS-FLUENT 6.3.26 and different configurations are investigated in order to validate periodic boundary conditions and to test the influence of wall function approach and grid size. The comparison between a single and a three-jet configurations with coarse (1.8 and 5.4 million of cells respectively) and fine grids (8.5 and 25.5 million of cells respectively) is reported. Mean velocity profiles at different axial stations, the spreading rate are reported and validated with experimental data from literature. Periodic boundaries seem to be appropriate for present case study. The influence of wall function approach and grid resolution on capability of prediction is tested and a finer grid in the core and near the wall seems to improve numerical results

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