Crespi d'Adda: dal piano di Gestione UNESCO alla valorizzazione culturale


The company town of Crespi d’Adda, inserted in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1995, needs new attentions to ensure the preservation and the development of buildings as well as of its own territorial area. The houses and the public buildings require suitable maintenance and redevelopment interventions, even under preservation logics. Factory buildings, today completely in disuse, ask for new destinations for new economic cycles. From the social point of view, since characteristics of the resident inhabitants changed through the years, at the moment it’s not possible a proper generation turnover without the introduction of new occupational markets together with a redevelopment of networks and community services. On the other hand, from a tourist point of view, there are wide possibilities to increase the offer, especially for the cultural related one. The Management Plan, as set and requested by UNESCO as the instrument aimed to govern the necessary changes, consists in a structured programme which will be developed through the years in relation to the amount and to the resources quality that will be provided by the subjects involved in the programme. Therefore the most suitable strategy, to lead the company town of Crespi d’Adda and its territory towards necessary and evolutionary processes - no more possible to postpone - controlled and consistent with its history and its values, seems to request a review of the whole residential system according to renewed and maybe original valuations of its potential and capacity. In consideration of the above mentioned approach useful and well tested reading and governing instrument of the changes of the single building, is now re-organized to revisions on grand-scale, to micro-urban level and according to systemic logics.Therefore the valuations of residual potentials - economic, cultural, use values, opportunities and limits - detectable or that can be improved are referred to the territorial scale. Safety of urban system’s users, comfort, usability, appearance, urban system management and the environmental preservation are the standards which have been used to take into account urban services. Thanks to the above mentioned valuations a supported awareness has been gained in relation to the opportunities and limits, to the potentials and weaknesses showed by the whole urban system of Crespi d’Adda in comparison with its development potential

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