The Role of Physical Distributionin Supply Chain Enterprise and the Accompanying Bottleneck Problems: A Review


Physical distribution is the core component that determines the general performance of supply chain administration because it is the logistics platform that enables the entire supply chain organization to manage and optimize the movement of productswithinthe value chain enterprise.However, there are bottleneck problems attributable to physical distribution that limitsthe general effectiveness of the valuechain. Consequently, the literature appraisal aims to identify andsynthesize into adocument the underlying bottleneck problemsassociated with physical distribution in the supply chain environmentto guide stakeholdersin the industryand chart future research direction for effective physical distribution policiesto further enhancethe supply chain organization. Among theproblems identified are, cost, ineffective information technology, transport problem, limited capacity, inventory, regulatory laws, and facility location. Other problems includepoor infrastructure, inadequate technical ability, tax,and environmental factors.The identified problems can be used for value stream mappingof physical distribution to identify process improvement opportunities for a more efficient supply chain organization

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