
Biotic, mineralogical, petrographic, and geomorphological characterization of the Falerno-Domitio shoreline (Campania region, southern Italy), with implication for environmental health studies: preliminary results


We report the first results of an ongoing study related to the project FARO (i.e. the Italian “Fund for original research projects”, granted by the Università di Napoli Federico II and IMI bank partner). This research project aims to the enhancement of the physical and biotic features of the coastal landscape related to the Falerno-Domitio shoreline, located in the mid-north coast of the Campania region (southern Italy), from the Garigliano river and Torregaveta. In the national scenario, this area can be considered as a valuable “natural laboratory”, for its wildlife (i.e. the Natural Reserve Foce Volturno, the Regional Park of Campi Flegrei, etc.), famous archaeological sites (i.e. Cuma excavations), and peculiar geological and volcanological characteristics (i.e. Phlegraean Fields). Unfortunately, it also suffers for a strong pollution and environmental degradation due to human activities. The research consists of a multidisciplinary analysis, mainly based on a bathymetric sensing, sampling of both the sea bottom sediments and the beach sands; it comprises: 1) integrated monitoring of the quality of environmental health through a biological study, 2) geomorphological and sedimentological analyses of the area and of the whole sample sets, with GIS data processing, 3) taxonomic and ecological analyses of selected benthic meiofauna assemblages, 4) mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry of beach sands along the shoreline, as well as of sea bottom samples. A complete sampling work of the beach sands, from the Garigliano estuary to the Cuma site, has been done, and the results of mineralogical, petrographic and chemical features, mainly in relation to major and trace elements data, as well as the granulometric curves, are presented. The ecologic and eco-toxicological studies are also carried out on selected samples, revealing the structure of meiofauna (benthic foraminifers and ostracods) assemblages. Tests on the occurrence of the bio-indicator organism Artemia salina have also performed, showing a relatively low toxicity of the samples analysed up to now. Preliminary bathymetric data are also presented

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