
Trichilemmal cyst of the buttocks: case report and management


Proliferating trichilemmal cyst (PTC) is a benign adnexal tumors of the skin, related to the isthmus of the hair folicle. PTC was described for the first time 1966 by Wilson-Jone, as "proliferating epidermoid custs". Usually the lesion is encountered on the scalp; but wrist, elbow, mons pubis, vula, buttock, and chest are locations where it can be foubd. Malignant transformation has rarely been report these lesions. Treatment mainly entails wide local surgiucal excision. We report a case of 30 years-old women, with small PTC on buttock areas, treated with topical urea and salicylic acid peeling. Keratolytic action of urea can be used in the treatment of PTC, WHEN THEY ARE AMALL IN SIZE, AND SPREAD OVER A LARGE AREA, WICH IS'S NO POSSBLE PERFORM A SURGICAL EXCISION

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