Neuropsychiatric and psychogeriatric problems of aging in a correct geriatric organization [IMPORTANZA DEGLI ASPETTI NEUROLOGICI E PSICHIATRICI IN GERIATRIA PER UNA CORRETTA UTENZA DEI SERVIZI]


The authors underline the necessity, for geriatric patients, to have a plurispecialized team working in the sanitary system capable of satisfying the many needs of aged people. Therefore, they list the various characteristics that the geriatric team must have to ensure that the period of stay does not damage the physical and mental capacities of the sick. On the other hand, the authors point out the necessity of adding to this structure an external-hospital organization of immediate consultation which satisfies the social necessities and avoids the so far inevitable adaptation of the hospital environment to the geriatric patients. Particularly, importance is given to the neuropsychiatric and psychogeriatric aspects to obtain a correct geriatric organization and as an example of this the experience in Switzerland and England, is presented

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