Artificial Intelligence, Smart Class Rooms and Online Education in the 21st Century: Implications for Human Development.


While the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the education sector has largely taken over conventional class rooms and revolutionize the way education is conducted in the 21st century to the admiration of many, there are scholars who believe it is too early to celebrate the benefits of AI in the education sector, since modern AI teaching systems now raises long‐term issues about the place of the teacher in AI education. The Marxist Alienation theory was considered for this paper. The Ex‐post factor method of analysis and Deidra’s critical analytic method was utilized for attaining the objectives of the paper. The paper faults recent attempts at eulogizing the impact of AI in the education sector and on human development. Extensive research is proposed as necessary for contemporary scholars in the field of AI and education technology before proper appropriation is made of its gains in education and human development

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