
Assessing Wetland functions in Niger Delta, Nigeria


Until recently, wetlands were often viewed as wastelands, useful only when drained or filled. Every wetland is unique. One wetland on the north edge of town may perform different functions from another even though they may appear at first glance to be very similar. Not all wetlands perform all functions nor do they perform all functions equally well. The location and size of a wetland may determine what functions it will perform. It is against this background that the study examined wetland functions in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. The study used questionnaire instrument in collecting data. Seventy-two (72) questionnaires were retrieved out which fifty-five (55) respondents reported that they had undertaking wetland valuation assignment in time past and these were the ones used for analysis in the study. The study revealed that storm protection (RII = 3.65), shoreline stabilization (RII = 3.51), recreation and tourism (RII = 3.49) and climate change mitigation are four most important wetland functions in the study area. The study therefore recommends that Estate Surveyors and Valuers should pay particular attention to the functions provided by wetlands in the determination of their values especially for compensation purposes

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