
The Influence of Corporate Attributes on Business Success in Nigeria


This study investigates the effects of company attributes on the success of companies by employing the arumal reports of thirty selected companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) for a period of 5 year (2007-2011). The study made use of descriptive statistics and the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis to estimate the effects of these attributes on the financial performance of companies listed in Nigeria. The study also tested for the relationship between leverage, firm size, firm age and return on assets by employing the Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient. Of all the variables employed in this study, only the finn age was statistically significant. Clearly from this study, one can infer that the level of financial performance of a finn increases as the firm grows older. This is also likely to be because older firms are more experienced, have enjoyed the benefits of learning, are not prone to the liabilities of inventiveness and can therefore enjoy superior financial performance. The study therefore recommends that adequate attention should be given to financial leveraging because it was observed that highly leveraged firms are at the risk of insolvency

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