
Risk and Investment Decision Making in the Technological Age: A Dialysis of Cyber Fraud Complication in Nigeria


Economic related risks and dirt of investment at both national and international scales have been reported in research. There is a correlation between the existence of such multi-dimensional risks and business expansion across major cultures. In view of this fact, this study engages the analysis of the effect of cyber fraud on investment decisions in Nigeria. It adopts mixed method design thus culminating into the use of few research instruments. The population of the study is divided into two and six local government areas of Lagos state, Nigeria was selected and used for data collection. It was found that investment decision in this technological era is also mitigated by the existence of risk and this trend conforms to what research have documented for all known investible environments. It is recommended that nations should do more to assuage investors the fear of losing their hard earned resources. This is expected to be achieved by promoting citizen friendly policies that will reduce the likelihood of experimenting with unlawful behaviours that are capable of inhibiting socio-economic development and this will invariably promote a favourable investment atmosphere that will spur economic growth

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