
Responsive Library Website Design and Adoption of Federated Search Tools for Library Services in Developing Countries


Library attention has been shifted away from only physical services, since much of its operations are now going virtual, and almost everything about library activities now compete for online attention. Librarians have no choice than to conform to the trend since the major concern of library is to meet the need of its clienteles at all cost. Moreover, the paradigm shift in information ecosystem is now ediscovery tools. Responsive website design and federated search tools are part of the tools adopted to meet and satisfy information needs of library users in this era of information exploration. This chapter looks at the concept of responsive website design and federated search, components of responsive websites design, need for adoption of responsive website design for libraries in developing countries, federated search products and vendors, benefits of federated search technology, dichotomy between open search and federated search, adoption of federated search tools in developing countries, issues to consider with the federated search too

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