


The importance of effective communication of researcher findings to the end users in advancing teaching, researcher and practice is well understood. However, there is an apparent gap between the methods used by researchers in reporting their findings and the learning preferences of the users of such findings. This is evident in the field of architecture, where there is a gap between researchers, the students and practitioners, who are the intended beneficiaries of the research findings. This study investigated the predominant learning preferences of postgraduate students and the methods used by the faculty in the Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, in communicating their research findings. Questionnaire surveys of 55 postgraduate students and 20 research active faculty members in this department were conducted in the last quarter of 2016. The data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics. The result shows that the students, who are mainly kinesthetic and visual learners, preferred videos as opposed to text based formats used by researchers in presenting their research findings. Although both the students and faculty were found to have preference for the Internet and electronic media for the purpose of exchanging research findings, the students relied mostly on websites as the main source of information for their academic work, while the faculty disseminate their research findings mainly through journals. The paper concludes that a reconciliation between the modes of communication used by researchers and the learning preferences of students will result in a better communication of research findings and promote effective teaching and learning in architecture

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