


All over the world, the debouchment of a new class has been observed with new demands for the progressive troika of equality, liberty and fraternity. Far from being the forlorn cry for the establishment of a Marxian utopia or pantisocracy, the genuine demands for egalitarianism necessitating the restructuration of economic, social and cultural capitals has become a desideratum for society’s preservation. Social upheavals, civil protests and collective movements led by a determined precariat class to address social ills and worsening inequalities will continue unabated until the political and economic managers of the state capitulate to these demands. In Nigeria, the elite is already aware of the potential vitriol and precariousness of this class. Existing diurnal narrative in Nigeria is awash with the virulence and dudgeon expressed by this class. Violent crimes such as terrorism, armed banditry, carjacking, cybercrimes, human trafficking of persons, militancy and kidnapping are major highlights of the viciousness and sadism manifested by this class. Evil contrivances have become weapons for economic compensation and retribution on an insensitive elite and society. The imagery of Nigeria’s future is akin to sitting on a time-bomb or walking a jagged precipice. In this paper, authors contend that the growing youth precariat class in Nigeria must not be ignored. Leaning on the anomie/strain paradigmatic thesis, they argue that the political class must reverse its natural shenanigans and rhetoric for change programs that will impact on Nigerian youths who are simmering with rage and despondency. Lurking around for the right moment, this dangerous class could spell the doomsday for an already divided polity if genuine efforts are waved aside. Youth empowerment programs must be practically rolled out soon and fast with a genuine politics of paradise built on the principles of economic security and social well-being to integrate this class into mainstream society

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