A Step Into the Definition of the Seismic Risk for the City of Benevento (Italy)


This paper gives a contribution in the definition of the seismic hazard for the city of Benevento in Southern Italy, from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint. To pursue this goal, an extensive geotechnical characterization of the city subsoil was achieved collecting data available at the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Napoli and Benevento municipal technical office. Attention was paid in defining strain dependent shear stiffness and damping ratio for the geomaterials present in the urban area. A new method to correct the Masing criteria was adopted. Numerical analyses were performed considering the subsoil as a continuous one-phase equivalent linear medium. The 1-D analyses were carried out using Shake-like codes. The seismic hazard in the city was evaluated on the basis of two seismic scenarios, respectively characterized by low and high acceleration levels. The final result of the work is a seismic zonation of the city of Benevento. It was found that zonation maps are largely dependent from the chosen seismic scenario

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