A Numerical Investigation into the Hemodynamics, Oxygen Transport, and Flow Stability of Cerebral Aneurysms


A cerebral or intra-cranial aneurysm (IA) is a pathological saccular bulge occurring in the cerebral arteries of the brain. These structures have a propensity to rupture due to their structurally deficient arising from their pathological nature. A ruptured IA can have disastrous or fatal consequence for a patient. Surgical intervention furthermore carries its own innate risks. Therefore, an understanding of IA initiation, growth and rupture remains imperative in the treatment of the disease. However, these processes remain poorly understood. Hemodynamics, the mechanical forces imparted on the vessel wall from the flowing blood contained within, is thought to be a substantial contributing factor in the progression of the disease. The study of aneurysmal hemodynamics and their impact on the aneurysm wall remains challenging due to the inaccessibility from their location deep within the brain that clinicians are faced with. Therefore, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies are frequently utilized in the study of aneurysmal heodynamics. The work herein focuses on advancing the study of aneurysmal hemodynamics in four major areas. The first is an extensive categorization of the blood flow waveforms found within the cerebral circulation from a uniquely large data-set of 272 cardiovascular patent waveforms that quantifies the impact on the hemodynamics from the variation in this large data-set. The second section focuses on quantifying the multi-parameter relationship between aneurysmal geometry and intra-saccular flow-structure via parametric study. The third section explores the impact of the pathological morphology of aneurysms on the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to the wall tissue within the aneurysm. Finally, this work identifies geometric features additional to those previously known which initiate pathological high-frequency fluctuations in the blood flow and examines possible solution strategies in answering the open question as to what impact do these flow features have on the development of IAs.

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