
Long term effects of cover crops on weeds in Mediterranean low input arable management systems


The introduction of cover crops (CC) in crop rotations is a key tool to control weed and ameliorate soil conditions in low input arable systems. In 1992 a long term experiment (LTE) was set up at Centre for Agri-environmental Research “E. Avanzi (CIRAA), University of Pisa to determine the combined effect of tillage intensity, nitrogen fertilization levels and CC types on soil quality, crop yield and weed communities. The LTE is based on 4-year crop rotation (maize, durum wheat, sunflower, durum wheat) with cover crops grown twice, in between wheat and summer crops. Two tillage systems were compared: i) a conventional system (CS), with annual ploughing (30 cm depth); ii) a low input system (LIS), with chiseling (30 cm depth) for summer crops and no till for wheat. In both systems cover types were: control; Brassica juncea L.;Trifolium squarrosum L.; and Vicia villosa Roth.). Four Nitrogen levels (from 0 to a maximum rate, varying across crop type) were applied. The experiment was replicated in 4 blocks for a total of 128 plots (21 x 11 m). Weed and CC above-ground biomass were assessed at CC termination, while weed species cover and total biomass were assessed at harvest. Data collected in CC (2011, 2014), sunflower (2012), durum wheat (2012) were used to calculate species richness, weed community diversity indices (Shannon’s H’ and inverse Simpson index) and Pielou equitability. Weed biomass and cover were analyzed by split-split plot ANOVA. Weed community composition was analyzed by a permutational multivariate analysis of variance based on Bray Curtis dissimilarity and Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling

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