Rule-based Handling of Hazardous Nitrogen


A rule-based, recursive framework is an ideal approach to support the design of cropping systems (CS). A framework of this type was proposed, arranged into three stages (Silvestri and Bellocchi, 2007): (phase I) prior evaluation (technical, problem-solving, farmer-driven stage), (phase II) posterior evaluation (institutional, environmental monitoring implemented when CS response deviates from expected behaviour), and (phase III) managing the change (participatory, dynamic rearrangement of CS). This sequence is meant to evolve and grow over time through reiterations (Fig. 1), allowing for a continuous adaptation of agricultural productions systems as the business environment and society change. The same procedure was applied in this study to assess the behaviour of an array of CS run in the proximity of Lake Massaciuccoli - an area of Central Italy currently defined as “vulnerable area” under EU Directive 676/91 - as part of an action aimed at identifying possible responsibilities of farmers in NO3 contamination of waters (research developed in 2005-2006 under the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research)

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