
Robust Parsing for Ungrammatical Sentences


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a research area that specializes in studying computational approaches to human language. However, not all of the natural language sentences are grammatically correct. Sentences that are ungrammatical, awkward, or too casual/colloquial tend to appear in a variety of NLP applications, from product reviews and social media analysis to intelligent language tutors or multilingual processing. In this thesis, we focus on parsing, because it is an essential component of many NLP applications. We investigate in what ways the performances of statistical parsers degrade when dealing with ungrammatical sentences. We also hypothesize that breaking up parse trees from problematic parts prevents NLP applications from degrading due to incorrect syntactic analysis. A parser is robust if it can overlook problems such as grammar mistakes and produce a parse tree that closely resembles the correct analysis for the intended sentence. We develop a robustness evaluation metric and conduct a series of experiments to compare the performances of state-of-the-art parsers on the ungrammatical sentences. The evaluation results show that ungrammatical sentences present challenges for statistical parsers, because the well-formed syntactic trees they produce may not be appropriate for ungrammatical sentences. We also define a new framework for reviewing the parses of ungrammatical sentences and extracting the coherent parts whose syntactic analyses make sense. We call this task parse tree fragmentation. The experimental results suggest that the proposed overall fragmentation framework is a promising way to handle syntactically unusual sentences

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