The BEMUSE programme (Best-Estimate Methods – Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation)


The BEMUSE [1] (Best Estimate Methods – Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation) Programme has been promoted by the Working Group on Accident Management and Analysis (GAMA) and endorsed by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI). The high-level objectives of the work are: • to evaluate the practicability, the quality and the reliability of Best-Estimate (BE) methods including uncertainty evaluation in applications relevant to nuclear reactor safety; • to promote the use of BE-Methods by the regulatory bodies and the industry. Operational objectives include an assessment of the applicability of best-estimate and uncertainty methods to integral tests and their use in reactor applications. The scope of the Programme is to perform Large Break Loss-Of-Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) analyses making reference to experimental data and to a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in order to address the issue of “the capabilities of computational tools” including scaling/uncertainty analysis. The justification for such an activity comes from the consideration that a wide spectrum of uncertainty methods applied to BE codes exist and are used in research laboratories, but their practicability and/or validity is not sufficiently established to support general use of the codes and acceptance by industry and safety authorities. The consideration of the BE codes and uncertainty evaluation for Design Basis Accident (DBA), by itself, shows the safety significance of the proposed activity. End users for the results are expected to be the industry, the safety authorities and the research laboratories. Participants coming from more than 10 organizations will take part in the Programme

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