Investigation on circadian rhythm of hemogram values in horses (Indagini sul ritmo circadiano dei parametri dell'emogramma nella specie equina)


In this paper the behaviour of several haematological parameters in the horse during the day and night phases have been investigated. The research has been carried out utilizing 12 stallions from four different breeds (English Thoroughbred, Sardinian Anglo Arabian, Maremmana and Haflinger). For a week blood samples have been collected every four hours from these horses in order to establish : n° RBC, n° WBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, n° PLT, MPV, PCT, RDW, PDW and lymphocyte %. It has been determined that the following parameters show a significative circadian trend: Hct and MCHC (erythrocytes), n° WBC and lymphocyte % (leukocytes), and PCT (thrombocytes). For the other haematological parameters investigated the statistical analysis used did not show an armonic circadian rythm

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