
Meet the Scientists


Scientific visualization has become an active area of research. Most researchers and students in the field of visualization, however, do not have access to data sets generated by the state-of-the-art sim- ulations. In the case they have access to some of these data sets, they often do not get to directly interact with the scientists who generated the data sets. This interaction is crucial for obtaining the understanding of what scientists really need to get out of their data sets and what visualization functionalities are missing in ex- isting visualization software tools. This panel will provide such interaction. Through the DOE SciDAC Institute for Ultrascale Vi- sualization (Ultravis Institute) [6], scientists in representative areas fromastrophysics, combustion, to plasma physicswill be sponsored to attend the Visualization 2007 Conference and participate in the panel. Each scientist will describe his/her application, data sets, and the corresponding visualization and data analysis needs and challenges, and then answer questions. By making their data sets openly available through the Ultravis Institute after the Conference, more visualization researchers will be given the chance to work on the problems truly faced by the scientists. The panel will thus pro- vide these researchers the correct understanding of the problems, and subsequently help accelerate the development of the field of scientific visualization. The following sections introduce the four participating scientists and their application areas

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