
Internationalizing a Master of Design Program in Strategic Foresight and Innovation


This study establishes a framework for a strategic and normative plan for creating a graduate level Master of Design program in the Dubai International Academic City (DIAC) free zone. The program investigated for internationalization is the MDes in Strategic Foresight & Innovation at OCAD University. Drawing from foresight methods, the research is grounded in a contextual understanding of societal, academic and business implications of internationalizing a Canadian graduate level program for the Middle Eastern market. The report makes a number of recommendations for adapting the SFI program for international implementation, and for the design of a manageable and sustainable prototype that leverages hybrid distance education. The objective of launching a sustainable and scalable pilot program in DIAC that grows over time, is to provide graduate level education in strategic thinking and design of innovation, to a broader developing region in much need of quality higher education

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