Proposal for an auto-updating snowfall map of the Trentine territory (Eastern Alps of Italy),


From the early 80s, the “Snow, Avalanches and Meteorology Office of Trento (Italy) Autonomous Province” (“Ufficio Neve,Valanghe e Meteorologia della Provincia Autonoma di Trento”), actually “Ufficio Previsione e Prevenzione” monitors the snowfall conditions and studies avalanches in the same territory; in particular, it manages a network of over 30 manual snow fields, plus about ten automatic measurement stations, added during the last 10 years, between 800 and 2750 meters (Fig. 1). Complete snow-meteorological measurements are daily performed (AINEVA-CAI Model 1) while automatic stations also measure the snow cover thickness, as well as classical meteorological parameters

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