The vegetation of the Maddalena Mountains (Southern Italy)


Using the data contained in the Lucanian Vegetation Database, the focus of our paper is the vegetation classification of the Maddalena mountains, a calcareous range not previously surveyed, placed between the Basilicata and Southern Campania regions. By using multivariate and phytosociological analyses we detected the presence of seven types of broad leaved forests: four of these (Anemono apenninae-Fagetum sylvaticae, Aro lucani-Aceretum lobelii, Physospermo verticillati-Quercetum cerridis, Seslerio autumnalis-Aceretum obtusati) are formerly associated with the Southern Apennines, meanwhile three are herein described as new associations (Aceri neapolitani-Quercetum virgilianae, Roso spinosissimae-Quercetum dalechampii, Geranio versicoloris-Populetum tremulae). Shrublands are referred to Cytision sessilifolii and Pruno-Rubion (Rhamno-Prunetea) and a new association is described (Roso squarrosae-Rubetum ulmifolii). Dry grasslands (Anthemido creticae-Stipetum austroitalicae) belonging to Festuco-Brometea (Phleo-Bromion) and garrigues (Onosmo lucanae-Lomelosietum crenatae) of Cisto-Micromerietea (Cisto-Ericion) are also described as new syntaxa

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