Postharvest regulated deficit irrigation in peach tree in a Mediterranean environment: effect on vegetative growth and yield


The aim of this paper was to verify the possibility to reduce irrigation water requirements by applying regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) during phenological stages less sensitive to water deficit. The effects of two different levels of RDI were studied in a peach orchard (cv Springcrest). From bud break to harvest, irrigation was managed by applying 100% ETc, while from harvest to early autumn, irrigation was equivalent to 100%, 50% and 25% ETc. During the trial, no significant reductions in yield or quality were found for the 50% ETc treatment, whereas about 1,000, 1,800 and 2,400 m3 ha-1 of water were saved in the first, the second and the third year. The 25% treatment did reduce quality and yield significantly. Under scarce water supply conditions, a clear benefit can be obtained through the use of 50% RDI during the post-harvest period, especially for early harvest peache

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