
When Anonymous Controlling Professional Media: A Marginal Voice in Press Freedom Country


The emergence of citizen journalism get a skeptical response from professional journalists based on several reasons such as un-institutional, subjective and nonprofessional (O¨rnebring, 2013; Allan, 2009; Moyo, 2009). This study explores how mainstream media play dominant role in producing fact by excluding citizen journalist apart from their system. The object of the study is ‘Discourse’ about the banned of a controversial article1 written by an anonymous2 citizen journalist named Jilbab Hitam (here in after referred to as the ‘JH’)3 in kompasiana.com4. The issues widespread quickly in cyberspace produce pros cons among internet user including professional journalists, NGO, etc. This research employs Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) on articles and twitter conversations relevant to the issue. The results of the study show how anonymity becomes dominant Discourse submerging other important issue such us media manipulation and media corruption. Negative representation of anonymity – hoax, liar, provocative – might tend to hamper struggling of internet user freedom of expression

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