Establecimiento de la ostra perlífera Pinctada imbricata radiata (Leach, 1814) en el Archipiélago Balear


The presence of Pinctada imbricata radiata has been explored in the Bay of Palma (Balearic Archipelago, NW Mediterranean Sea) by means of Rapid Assessment Surveys (RAS). Forty three specimens were found in rocky substrates from recreational marinas and neighbouring natural habitats, including Cabrera National Park. The main occurrence of the exotic oyster in marinas, and also faraway in Cabrera, points to maritime transport as the primary introduction vector; whereas records in the adjacent natural habitats suggest secondary spread by natural dispersal. Considering the populations of P. imbricata radiata documented in the Balearic Archipelago, the bivalve seems to be well established in the area. The study also explores the potential of RAS as early detection tool for invasive species along the coastline

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