
Endoscopic findings and psychometric abnormalities: what is the relationship in upper endoscopic outpatients?


Background. Psychological disorders are often associated with diseases of the upper digestive tract. Although emotions can influence gastrointestinal function in healthy individuals, psychological setting in upper gastrointestinal patients are unclear. We evaluate the psychological alterations prevalence in outpatients submitted to upper endoscopy. Materials and Methods. A total of 130 patients (50 males and 80 females; mean age 54±17 years) submitted to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, were enrolled over the period May 2009 - September 2010. Subjects were asked to complete questionnaires before endoscopic examination. Alexithymia, anxiety, depression and coping style were assessed using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, respectively. Results. Coping impairment, Alexithymia, Anxiety and Depression were found respectively in 80.3%, 25.4%, 24.6% and 17.2%, often in association. Task-oriented, emotion-oriented and avoidance-oriented alterations were found in 41.8%, 40% and 30.6%, respectively. No correlations were demonstrated between diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal disease and psychometric results. Conclusions. In our study, a high prevalence of psychometric alterations in gastrointestinal outpatients was unconnected with endoscopic findings, especially considering coping style alterations. This aspect should be taken into account in patients management and a long-term follow-up should clarify a possible role of these factors in patients prognosis and compliance

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