Terapia Protesica


The hearing problems can make life difficult. The treatment of presbycusis is very often the use of hearing aids. The hearing loss is for the person a deficit and a handicap. The handicap can be changed by a suitable prosthesis. It is possible imagine, therefore, the importance of the prosthesis in the elderly. The prosthetic treatment facilitates communication and prevents sensory deprivation. h earing aids may, therefore, be defined as "devices anti-aging". Users of hearing aids have less anxi - ety and depression after the use of the same. In the prosthetic, the rehabilitation is a key moment in which must be carefully handled the the patient’s communication and psychological aspect. The problems of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation require the coordinated action of different skills. The problems of the patient with hearing loss does not only concern the auditory conditions, but also cognitive deficits, mood, socio cultural condition and motivation. h earing loss is the most common sensory deficit in the elderly, and it is becoming a social problem and a serious and growing health affects the quality of life. The hearing aid is a therapeutic intervention itself, which sits alongside the pharmacological and surgical solutions

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