
Hot Zero and Full Power Validation of PHISICS RELAP-5 Coupling


PHISICS is a reactor analysis toolkit developed over the last 3 years at the Idaho National Laboratory. It has been coupled with the reactor safety analysis code RELAP5-3D. PHISICS is aimed at providing an optimal trade off between needed computational resources (in the range of 10~100 computer processors) and accuracy. In fact, this range has been identified as the next 5 to 10 years average computational capability available to nuclear reactor design and optimization nuclear reactor cores. Detailed information about the individual modules of PHISICS can be found in [1]. An overview of the modules used in this study is given in the next subsection. Lately, the Idaho National Laboratory gained access plant data for the first cycle of a PWR, including Hot Zero Power (HZP) and Hot Full Power (HFP). This data provides the opportunity to validate the transport solver, the interpolation capability for mixed macro and micro cross section and the criticality search option of the PHISICS pack

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