
Providing Transaction Class-Based QoS in In-Memory Data Grids via Machine Learning


Elastic architectures and the ”pay-as-you-go” resource pricing model offered by many cloud infrastructure providers may seem the right choice for companies dealing with data centric applications characterized by high variable workload. In such a context, in-memory transactional data grids have demonstrated to be particularly suited for exploiting advantages provided by elastic computing platforms, mainly thanks to their ability to be dynamically (re-)sized and tuned. Anyway, when specific QoS requirements have to be met, this kind of architectures have revealed to be complex to be managed by humans. Particularly, their management is a very complex task without the stand of mechanisms supporting run-time automatic sizing/tuning of the data platform and the underlying (virtual) hardware resources provided by the cloud. In this paper, we present a neural network-based architecture where the system is constantly and automatically re-configured, particularly in terms of computing resources

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