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Reputation have become a concept importance of it is emphasized more and more by literatures of the management- organization theory field and other disciplines. The dominant corporate reputation literature seems to create a perception in readers’mind that organizations can manage their reputations at absolute level or so close to it. But in this study, the idea, suggets the limited manageability of organizational reputation, is discussed. According to the study, while organizations try to control their reputations, they encounter some difficulties. Because of that reason, on the contrary of general belief in the literature, management of reputation is so complex process and degree of manageability of it depends on some organizational factors such as politic and financial power of an organization, degree of internationalization and skills of CEO and so on. The development of this type of consciousness is important because in this manner organizations can take concept of reputation more seriously. Also in addition to this main purpose, the another purpose of this study is the clarification of the corporate reputation concept. It generally can be said that formation of the corporate reputation comprises of two phases. In the first phase, stakeholders collect information about an organization via their personal experiences or they benefit from the others’ experiences. They also can provide this information from media. In the second phase, stakeholders intrepret this information and reputation of an organization appears in their minds. In this study, the first, organizational reputation concept will be explained and then difficulties pertaining to manageability of it will be discussed by focusing on these two phases of the process was expressed above briefly.Corporate reputation, organizational image, organizational identity, manageability of corporate reputation.