
Historic cartography of L'Aquila city as a support to the study of earthquake damaged buildings


The city-center of L'Aquila suffered big damages from the main seismic event (6th April 2009, 3:32 a.m., local time; Ml=5.8, Mw= 6.2) of the seismic sequence that included hundreds of aftershocks (more than 30 of them 3.5<5.0) (INGV, 2009). Causes and modality of the collapse of some buildings are still under investigation. A 1:2000 map representing the center of L'Aquila city at the beginning of twentieth century was recently found and the comparison of this map with contemporary ones can help the study of the causes of the different response to seismic stress to different aged buildings. This study represents the first step to build a database of historic buildings in L'Aquila to test a potential correlation between the anti-earthquake regulations adopted over the years and the resulting damages. A comparison with post earthquakes damage map and the map of seismic zoning was performer to find all the possible combination of other parameters that together with building age can help to evaluate building vulnerability

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